The truth about the multivitamins
What are Multivitamins?
Multivitamins are supplements that contain several vitamins and minerals and are known to be essential to health. The fact is there is no standard for what constitutes a multivitamin and the nutrient composition varies based on brand and products. Multivitamins are also called multiples, multi-minerals and simply vitamins. Besides, vitamins are available in many kinds of forms such as tables, capsules, chewable gummies, powders and liquids and most people would consume once or twice a day according to the recommended dosage and instructions.
Does multivitamin really work? Is it worth it to consume?
According to the research, we should take multivitamins to improve our body health and overall body conditions. You should take plant nutrients from marigold and roselle of multivitamins for maintaining and improving good health of you and your children’s body.
Why you should take multivitamins?
1. Good for heart
Studies have proven that taking a high quality multivitamin may reduce cardiovascular disease and reduce the chances of getting heart disease. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Multivitamin contains vitamin B1, B2, B6, K1, CoQ10 and magnesium to prevent heart disease.
2. Anti aging
We grow as we age and the nutrition taken also needs to be increased. However, it gets harder for our body to absorb the nutrients as we age. Consuming a multivitamin allows us to offset these deficiencies and allow our body to absorb those vitamins to anti aging.
3. Reduce cancer risk
As mentioned above multivitamins can allow us to prevent heart disease, vitamin can also decrease risk of some cancers. A recent study has proven that daily multivitamin supplementation can actually reduce cancer risk.
4. Boost immunity
Multivitamin also contains vitamin C and vitamin C is a strong antioxidant to strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C can encourage the production of white blood cells known as Lymphocytes and Phagocytes which help protect the body against infection. Vitamins D and E also can boost your immunity system. These vitamins are helping you to reduce allergy symptoms.
5. Supports eye health
In this era of technology advancement, people are increasing the time spent on technology products especially laptops and mobile phones. According to the statistics and research, people with myopia and high myopia is highly increasing, and estimated in 2020 around 2.6 billion people will have myopia or nearsightedness. However, studies have shown multivitamins containing combination of lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamins can reduce risk of macular degeneration and protect eyes from harmful light waves.
6. Healthy hair and skin
According to the latest research, vitamins B3 (Niacin, biotin and vitamin C can improve hair conditions. Furthermore, vitamin A, C, E, and Coq10 can improve your overall skin conditions.
All about vision, ” what is macular degenertion?”, viewed 17 July 2020, <https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/amd.htm>.
healthline, “7 impressive way vitamin C benefit your body”, viewed 16 July 2020, <https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-c-benefits#2.-May-help-manage-high-blood-pressure>.
Nutrition outlook, “Vitamin research studies”, viewed 16 July 2020, <https://www.nutritionaloutlook.com/view/vitamin-research-studies>.
Tespo, “8 reason to take multivitamin everyday”, viewed 17 July 2020, <https://gettespo.com/blog/8-reasons-take-multivitamin-every-day/>.
Satista, “Normal of people worldwide with myopia and high myopia from 2000 to 2030”, viewed 17 July 2020, <https://www.statista.com/statistics/1082001/number-of-people-with-myopia-and-high-myopia-worldwide/>.
Mycare Malaysia, “vitamin“, viewed 17 July 2020, <https://mycare.com.my/estore/Nova-DeeBee-Tablet?search=vitamins&description=true>.