An electrode is a conductive pad that is attached to the skin and enables recording of electrical currents. An ECG lead is a graphical description of the electrical activity of the heart and it is created by analyzing several electrodes.Latex FreeNon-irritating Gel FormulaConforms to skinExcellent e..
An electrode is a conductive pad that is attached to the skin and enables recording of electrical currents. An ECG lead is a graphical description of the electrical activity of the heart and it is created by analyzing several electrodes.Latex FreeNon-irritating Gel FormulaConforms to skinExcellent e..
An electrode is a conductive pad that is attached to the skin and enables recording of electrical currents. An ECG lead is a graphical description of the electrical activity of the heart and it is created by analyzing several electrodes.Latex FreeNon-irritating Gel FormulaConforms to skinExcellent e..
Product detailSize: 30mmPediatric ElectrodeLatex-free and compatible with all machines.It is an excellent choice for diagnostic ECG applications when a snap design is preferred. Metal snap design, smaller teardrop shape and thin foam for clear tracings.Foam electrode, conforms to skin.Leaves no..
Product descriptionSize: 45mmAdult ElectrodeLatex free.Larger standard size for superior performance in Stress, Holter and Diaphoretic applications.Foam electrode, conforms to skin.Consists of a conductive adhesive hydro-gel along with a highly aggressive adhesive foam substrate that conforms easily..
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